15 12 2024

I have a pile of jobs in hand – like the sailor’s trousers, I don’t know where to begin!

I’m going to the boat shortly to clean out the old soundproofing in the engine space while the engine is out, and put in a new lot, then when the engine is in, I hope during the next week, I will sort out the remaining bits of the engine room soundproofing, and fit new lighting and sort out some of the horrible web of wiring in there – some of which I’m sure is redundant, like much of the wiring in the boat, and some vital.  Then I will have to put back the doors on the engine space and the loo and cabin doors I had to take off so that the  lads could access the engine without having to open and shut doors all the time to move around.  I have to put the VHF radio back before we can move the boat or I’ll get into trouble from the Queen’s Harbour Master who controls the harbour very actively – not surprising really as big ferries come and go almost everr 5 minutes, and the Navy’s two new Aircraft(less) Carriers are docked a few hundred yards from our berth.  Other jobs on the current list are making a new emergency tiller ( necessary in case the wheel steering wires or mechanism breaks) and making lee cloths so the setees in the saloon can be used as underway berths for night passages etc.  Then there is the whole matter of a new battery system to go with the new higher power altrnator (see below) , and so on………………….



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