Here are some of the bits and pieces I’ve made for boats. The files are in .stl format. Click on the file hyperlink and it should download to you computer’s download directory. Your slicer should work with the files directly – make sure you choose the best face to be flat on the printer’s bed – remember the interlayer bond may not be very strong.
I’ve put moveable 3D images of all the one part things – the software doesn’t let me do that for things in multiple parts. move the mouse over the images while holding down the button.
HOOKS – decent stowage is vital to an orderly boat, and an orderly boat is a safety matter. I use these hooks in the aft lockers for hanging warps and fenders and anything else that needs to be got at conveniently, and in the inside along the bunk cabin for hanging lifejackets and waterproofs. The hooks have a hole through which a loop of 6mm cord (about 600mm of cord) is threaded. This can then be put through bulky objects and hooked over one of the hooks. The hooks are made in two parts so that they are printed with the optimum filament orientation for maximum strength – 3D printing can be quite a weak between layers. The base should have the back face flat on the bed, and the hook lies down on its flat face, check carefully. There is no need to glue the two parts together. You should print them with 4 to 6 filament wall and top and bottom thicknesses, and not less than 25% infill – more if they are going to take heavy loads. PLA should be fine for use inside the boat or in normal lockers, but probably not in the engine compartment.
CLIPS FOR TORCHES – a good powerful torch with the ability to focus the beam so it will illuminate buoys and boats at 100m plus is essential for night sailing, although care has to be taken not to loose night vision. Ideally the torch should be where it can be reached from the cockpit, and aways kept in the same place out of the weather. I like to put a holder that can be reached from the cockpit but just inside the cabin. I bought 2 similar torches – one from the Boat Show that doesn’t carry a brand name, and one from a chandler that is NEBO brand, and made holders for both. The NEBO torch is a bit of a liability on a boat as it has a very strong magnet in its base and so can potentially disrupt your autopilot’s heading sensor and your steering compass and hand bearing compass over quite a distance – probably about 1 meter- I’d recommend keeping a thick steel washer on the magnet to short circuit the field which will at least reduce the effect. Perfecctly good in PLA – the clips that hold the bodies of the torches are under a bit of stress so don’t skimp on the walls and infil, 4 or 5 walls and 25% infil is OK . Here are the torches and their clips: